Utilise provides a complete end-to-end job management capability.
configurable workflows
Utilise drives productivity and efficiency in Utility and Infrastructure organisations by providing management with the real-time performance insights of their entire field operations, enabling them to manage the profitability of every contract.
Utilise provides a complete end-to-end job management capability.
Coffey Group is a diversified utility business involved in construction, water and wastewater treatment, metering, facilities management and property projects throughout the UK and Ireland. Coffey Group have been a customer of GeoPal for a number of years before transitioning to a Totalmobile customer in early 2021 (following Totalmobile’s acquisition of GeoPal).
Coffey Group was looking for a technology solution that would be flexible enough to adapt and re-adapt as different scopes of work must be addressed. At the same time, they needed a solution that allowed them to successfully transition to a digital operational model, doing away with paper and repetitive, manual processes.
Totalmobile provided Coffey Group with a solution that made their field work information reliable and timely, and also addressed very specific client requirements, such as the ability to record GPS coordinates in an extremely accurate way.