Level of Benefit
Your Summary
Totalmobile can drive increases in workforce capacity and cost savings, whilst also improving compliance and consistency in service delivery.
Reduce Emissions by Metric Tonnes P.A -
Job Volume
Have your mobile workforce complete an extra jobs per day -
Staff Capacity
Increase in workforce capacity equivalent to an additional employees -
Enable a reduction in the cost of each job
Workforce Capacity
By reducing administration, providing better insight and providing key information at the point service delivery, your mobile workers can make more efficient use of their time which drives substantial time savings.
Firmus could complete an extra hours of productive work per day
Your overall workforce capacity would increase by
You the capacity of an additional employees at no cost
Job Volume
Your Organisation could complete an additional
jobs per day
jobs per month
jobs per year
additional visits per year
additional time spent on each visit
Cost Savings
By achieve efficiencies through Totalmobile's Field Service Management Product Suite, substantial cost savings can be realised.
Please note: Currency = Australian Dollars
Your mobile staff costs are estimated at per year
With Totalmobile you could reduce staff costs to and undertake the same volume of work
You could take on additional work worth in staff costs
If you use agency staff you could save up to on your annual agency bill
Reduce your staff costs by per visit
Your staff can view their scheduled appointments on a map helping them plan their travel time more efficiently.
Please note: Currency = Australian Dollars
Your estimated Travel Costs are per year
You could potientally save per year
A saving of per employee
Save up to miles per year
Reducing your CO2 emissions by up to metric tonnes p.a